Saturday, May 28, 2005

WMD-Gate Day 800...does anyone give a shit?

Apparently not. Periodically, I have to vent about this issue for the sake of my mental health/well being. Today marks the 800th day since the US invaded Iraq to find the WMD that posed such an immediate threat. To date, we haven't found so much as a pea shooter.

A summary of the war so far:

800 days of war
1,655 American troops killed
12,348 American troops wounded
88 American civilians wounded
21,795 Iraqi civilians killed
0 WMDs found
0 Intercontinental ballistic spitballs, slingshots, mace, or pea shooters found
1 Ice cream truck found
Several sheets of aluminum foil...errr tubes found
$172,670,000,000 spent on the war in Iraq
Tons of Lies told by the Bush administration

So many lies, so many lives. Some people think it's heroic to die for your country. I'm one of them. However, I think it's tragic for someone to unknowingly die fighting for their country's lies...excuse me, "incorrect information". More tragic than that is the millions and millions of people who can't be bothered to give a flying fuck. As long as they're getting their "tax cut" checks in the mail, they'll go along with anything up to and including dancing with the devil.

So that there's no mistaking my position, I hold the administration responsible and not the troops. The troops may be the ones fighting, but they are only following orders. It was the current administration that pushed for and started this war. Yes, the other major political party agreed to it, but only after Bush and Co.'s political wrangling forced them to. Most suspected Hussein had WMD at some point, but they also wanted to continue searching for them rather than have the bloodbath we do now. So, contrary to what the Bushies are screaming, I'm proof that you can support the troops without supporting the war. Now that the troops are already there, I hope they are successful. I just don't think they should have been sent there in the first place.

The sad thing is, this administration will probably be allowed to continue pushing their lies without being challenged. As long as they can convince people that gay sex is icky, abortion is murder, and blow jobs are worth spending $80 million to investigate and "incorrect information" leading to the deaths of thousands of people is not, they'll continue to have support from the SAHM set (who are unabashedly favored by congress), their "wallets", the religious fanatics, and all the other people they've managed to brainwash with their lies.

That's fine..I mean everyone is entitled to their opinion. My opinion won't change though. I will continue to be angered and saddened at the lives lost and the billions spent to invade Iraq because Hussein fucked with Junior's daddy, and no amount of tax cuts will change that.