WMD-Gate Day 900; Katrina-Gate Day 7
The First Fucktard is a busy man. No...wait...actually, he isn't. Perhaps that's part of the problem. Today marks the 900th day since the war in Iraq began. More importantly, it's the 890th day after we located the WMD's and...what? Lost them? I mean, with all the satellite technology we have, and the thousands of tons of WMD's that were there, I'm thinking Rummy would have noticed them moving on a satellite, no? Guess not.
And now, it's been 7 days since news broke of the devastation in New Orleans. And lil' Mr. Can't Be Wrong, still won't admit his mistakes. Fucking bastard has even more blood on his hands, but I'd be willing to bet my Ipod he's only thinking about how he had to cut his vacation short and not the thousands of lives his delay caused.
The crazy thing is, he's got people blaming the victims! "Don't depend on the federal government for all your needs"? Well, no...that would be stupid. But when they tell us they've got our backs in situations like this, and then don't, it is their fucking fault. But by all means, let's blame people for a natural disaster that our government said they would help us with should we need it. While we're at it, why don't we go back to the days of blaming rape victims?
I can't believe some people. I seriously think that Bush is the antichrist. I can think of no other reason why someone so obviously full of evil could have so many people turning a blind eye to it.
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