Thursday, September 29, 2005

Okay, but that's the last straw.

It's official. We're now just hop, skip, and a jump from theocracy. The Religious Right has come up with a plan to slip government funds to religious groups, and some of them don't even want the money!

"Volunteer labor is just that: volunteer," said the Rev. Robert E. Reccord, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board. "We would never ask the government to pay for it."

This plan would allow churches to get "reimbursed" for all kinds of things not related to emergency shelter of hurricane victims. Being "reimbursed" for volunteering is a new one on me. I kind of thought the whole point of it being a volunteer effort was the part about doing it for free. But what do I know, I'm just and evil liebrul.

Anyway, this has prompted me to use one of my very dusty categories called Theocalypse Now! for the first time. I have a feeling this category is going to have a lot of entries as long as Bush and his merry band of idiots are in office.